Sunday, June 12, 2011

Update No. 061211

Ever notice my updates are the date???


We had 4.58 inches of rain on Friday so to say that gardening has ground to a complete halt would be an understatement.  We spent the day working on the inside of the house instead.  I'm moving my studio supplies etc into the living and dining rooms, with John's blessings, and turning my design studio into a dedicated office/library for myself and my wet studio well it'll be a wet studio once again. 

Rumor has it I ""may"" be able to get into the garden again come Thursday, it's supposed to rain again tomorrow and again on Tuesday.  Rain Rain Go Away... Go to Texas and Arizona where it's really needed, please.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Burgandy Peony

They have finally opened!!! The color is much deeper than what's in this photo it is almost a wine color.

John and the Peonies

John on the other side of the Peony garden, the strip of peonies and hosta's are is approximately 40 feet long.

Tomatoes, etc

Woke up in horrible pain this morning, my right rotar cuff decided it to let me know that it wasn't happy with me, apparently spending the entire day in a car driving across the state and back is not a nice thing to do to one's bum shoulder.

So to work the knots out I mowed the yard, transplanted some perinneal's and planted them under the cherry tree, planted 33 tomato plants, cleaned off the driveway in anticipation of having a yard sale, pruned a whole bunch of trees out of the yard, and pulled gobs of weeds.

It worked I know longer feel my shoulder because my knees are hurting worse than my shoulder was.

If it doesn't rain here tonight then tomorrow I will run a couple of natural dye baths, madder root, out of doors, and plant the rest of my garden goodies which is mainly cucumers and cabbages at this point in the game.

Cherry Tree Planter

Transplanted some perrinals from my one garden, that is in serious need of a redux, and placed them under the dwarf cherry tree.  So far I have planted coral belles, lambs ear, and a yellow tinged leaf petite hosta.  I'm hoping to still find a copper colored leaf coral belle at Lowes tomorrow :-)